Celebrating diversity in our community
Our vision is a world where LGBTQIA+ people are free to live and love without prejudice, starting with our community
To donate by text message, text the below word to: 70490
“TPRIDE 1” to donate £1
“TPRIDE 3” to donate £3
“TPRIDE 5” to donate £5
“TPRIDE 10” to donate £10
Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message. Teignmouth Pride is a registered charity, number 1198047.
Support Teignmouth Pride through the first and only lottery supporting LGBTQ+ good causes with The Rainbow Lottery.
Search for Teignmouth Pride and with each ticket 50p goes to Teignmouth Pride and you get the chance to win £25k in cash prizes!
Pride looks different around the world, but it shares a purpose – to fight for continued recognition of the basic human rights for all LGBTIQIA+ people everywhere.
Pride is about communities coming together in celebration, protest, unity and solidarity.
Because in every community in the UK, and around the world, LGBTQIA+ people are still being abused, thrown out of their homes, and bullied in schools and workplaces. The institutions that should protect us – our governments, communities, faith institutions and families – too often stand silent, or actively harm us.
And for some LGBTQIA+ people, these harms are particularly acute. From racism to ableism, misogyny to classism, LGBTQIA+ people of colour, LGBTQIA+ women.
LGBTQIA+ people who are disabled, those of us living in poverty, who are of faith, and many more of us, are held back and pushed aside as we make our way through life.
We believe in our community coming together as one and supporting each other.
Our partners
Teignmouth Pride is proud to have so many great businesses and people supporting its message of inclusivity. Here are the fantastic partners that make this all possible
The Teeny Tiny Teignmouth Company are thrilled to be able to support such an amazing charity focused on inclusivity in our amazing, vibrant town.
Their range of pride merchandise is growing with so many different events coming up.
You can find it all at The Brass in Teignmouth any time, plus their website Teeny Tiny Teignmouth Company
And remember 25% from EVERY sale goes to Teignmouth Pride
Contact Us
We work together as an inclusive management committee and a host of passionate volunteers to get things done – join us if this is something that interests you!
You can reach out to us through our social channels, or email us on teignmouthpride@gmail.com